Affiliate Summit East 2011 Recap

I’ve been out in NYC for Affiliate Summit East for the past week.  I typically always go to this conference every year because of all the useful information that I get out of it.  Affiliate Summit is a great place to learn about what everyone is doing online and to help meet people that can push your products online.  As many of you know we run several different affiliate programs in a wide range of different categories.

Key Takeaways:

  • Affiliate marketing takes time.  If you are planning on jumping into the affiliate marketing game, know that it may take some time to grow the program.  It won’t happen overnight.  It may take you a year or two before you find the one affiliate that makes you millions. Be patient.
  • Buying and selling websites in the $4,000-$20,000 range on Flippa and other like sites are a great way to bring in some good side money.  For those of you that don’t know, I have bought several sites on Flippa including FakeMayor, Demented, Drowned, Pixloo and sold the website JustAFive.  Some of them are used for link building, some of them for the sake of owning premium domains.  Matt, the owner of Flippa spoke at the conference and it only helped me realize more that I’m on my way to making even more money.
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself. One of the secessions that I went to talked all about complimenting yourself and how much more you’ll get done if you’re nice to yourself.  Compliment others and no complaining.  She talked about it being one of the biggest downfalls of a company.  Cut it out.
  • Test, test, test.  You need to test everything.  Don’t just think one landing page will do.  You need to at least have two landing pages.  Make sure that you get at least 100 conversions per landing page to examine the results.

Overall, I learned a lot this trip.  I would love to meet up at the next affiliate convention with anyone that would like to meet up.  Please email me at john [at]


About John Rampton

John Rampton is an Entrepreneur, Online Marketing Guy, Affiliate Marketing Guru, PPC Expert, Social Media Enthusiast. Follow me on Twitter @JohnRampton

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